Thursday, 8 December 2011

I like the use of the mirror in this photo and it being the centre focus as well as the woman. I would like to use mirrors and reflection to create a diverse photograph. The different angles of the woman's face and  the different shadows and the way the light hits her face in different places creates a lot of contrast in the picture. The quality of this picture isn't very high, this is due to it being a video which I have taken a screen shot of. There is very low lighting in this photograph, the only light coming from behind and hitting the woman's face. This shot is composed of the dressing table in the centre background with the woman in the centre mid-ground which is what your eye is initially drawn to.  

Statement of Intent

This is very similar to the photographs I am hoping to create, only with the room decay around the people. The way they are dressed in dinner suits and long dresses is the way in which I want the models in my pictures to be dressed. Also the way that they are positioned is interesting and something I will use. The woman being the main focus of the image and the two men either side of her sat on chairs, it's very symmetrical. I am also intrigued by the expression and positioning of the woman's face, it shows that the facial expressions and positioning is very important in creating atmosphere in a photo along with the lighting which is very warm and low in this photo. I will experiment with different types of lighting, warm lighting being one of them.

This room is the sort of room I would like to use when taking my photographs, because of the furniture still being there and the bed covers draped over the end of the bed, you can see that it was once a home but no longer lived in. The thick cobwebs in the corner and the old fashioned mattress also indicate that it is no longer a home. I would like to experiment with different hue's and colours with an image like this to try and get an old fashioned effect on the image.

The framing of this photo is something that I would like to achieve in my own photographs, it looks like a photo in a photo, the whole in the wall is almost like a frame to the image of the girl walking up the stairs. I like how you can't see the face of the girl, it's very ghostly and eery, this is the atmosphere I want to achieve. I am going to photograph most of my final piece on black and white also, I think this photo is a good example of how black and white makes it feel like an old photograph, along with the girls outfit which is old fashioned. Costume will be a big part of understanding the meaning in my photographs and will play a big part, so getting it right will be important to achieve something like this.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I like the contrast between the grey tones of brick and the bright blue and white sky. Natural light is used in this photograph, the light is shining from behind the building casting shadows on the ripped bits of material hanging on the barbed wire fence. I will use a lot of natural light in my photographs where I can as it can give an atmosphere to a photograph that you just cant get with man made lights. Also the composition on this photo helps to create a certain feel, the way the camera is looking up at the building over the wall makes it look intimidating and the barbed wire shows that there's no escaping.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

I like the instant feeling you get in this photo, there is so much emotion in it. I think the woman in the centre of the image helps to create the feeling, the way she is crawling across the floor, she looks weak and the room looks dirty and worn. The editing in this photo is very obvious, there is a lot of contrast and a drawing effect which makes it look as though it could have been painted. I would like to experiment with effects like this, to create a dark atmosphere in my photos.